It Begins with a Thought
“How do you rebrand a company that has been around for so long and has done so much?”
It’s a difficult question. But then it hit us – they’re a tech company. They design and program games, applications, websites – everything. People come to them with an idea, and IndiaNIC makes it a reality. That’s their identity
They’re creators. Producers. Dreamcrafters.

The company confessed that given the stereotypes surrounding Indian tech companies, they didn’t want to be written off as cheap, slow, and low quality.
“But we can’t hide the fact we are from India,” was their reply. “Our name is IndiaNIC.” And, no, they shouldn’t hide from that. There is no shame in that. India is beautiful. It has an ancient and wondrous history, a beautiful culture, wonderful food and loving people.
How, then, would we present such an illustrious and historic company in a light that honors their achievements, and then not only defuses stereotypes about Indian tech companies, but obliterates them?
The entire process of defining who they are was about finding out how they can show everyone that they’re fun, honest and real.
The Challenge of Authenticity
Try to define yourself in a few paragraphs. It’s not easy. How then would we define IndiaNIC with a few pages of text? Good copywriting, sure. That always helps. But people these days have low attention spans. They want to see something new and fun, and they want to see it now.
“Challenge accepted,” we said.
Armed with the idea of dream crafting, creating innovative products from kernels of ideas, we only needed to infuse it with personality. Life.
Immediately, we returned to the question of India and its image to the rest of the world. What was something that would honor India and its culture, but also dispel negative associations?
The answer: jugaad.
It’s the Indian equivalent of life-hacking, but a bit more rugged. Using only their creativity, many of the country’s poorest find ways to improve their own lives or the lives of others with scant resources. Like creating a fan with random household items to keep the coals of your corn-cart hot, instead of fanning them by hand all day.
Prosperity in adversity. That’s exactly what we needed. Why obliterate a stereotype if we could instead use it? What if we could show the world how ingenious and powerful the Indian people are?
Explain the concept with some simple and engaging copy, give viewers a fitting song to bob their head to, and we have ourselves an original, fun, and commercial quality video about Indian ingenuity, from an Indian tech company.
We even had to pat ourselves on the back for that one.

The team helped us define and present our services in an innovative and creative way allowing us to take not one but ten steps ahead of our competition.
Sandeep Mundra
CEO, IndiaNICAfter the relaunch of IndiaNIC’s website in October of 2016, we saw an immediate hike in time spent on page, a substantial drop in bounce rate, and smiled as IndiaNIC’s client base increased by 50%.
Increase in mobile and web conversions
User and Session growth
Want us to give you an image makeover like this? Or, if you’re new, create an image for you?
Let us help you get others to wear, read, and live your brand,
whatever it is. The world needs your gift.